Dentist Grand Prairie

Some patients complain of discomfort while wearing their dentures. Fortunately, this issue usually can be resolved in some way. When you have soreness, be sure to let your dentist know so that he or she can fix the problem. If you have just gotten your dentures...

Some patients may put off routine dental care out of financial concerns, but when you keep up with your regular appointments every six months, you actually may end up saving money by avoiding severe issues that require expensive treatments. When your dentist sees you twice a...

Some patients mistakenly believe that cavities are only an issue during childhood. While cavities are especially common among children, patients of any age can develop tooth decay. Tooth decay is caused by a specific strain of bacteria that is transmitted orally from one person to...

A conversation with your dentist will enlighten many patients that brushing and flossing are critical to maintaining excellent oral health; but there’s much more involved to enjoy healthy teeth and gums for your lifetime. Teeth serve us in many ways … they help us to form...

Imagine that your dentist possesses technology to detect tooth decay at its earliest stages with a special laser. While this may sound like something from a science fiction film, it is actually possible. In fact, our skilled dentist is proud to use some of the...

White spots can originate for various reasons … there can be a genetic basis; they can be indicative of active dental decay; there can be a mineral imbalance; excessive fluoridation can lead to tooth discoloration; or wearing dental braces can result in white marks on...

When you visit your dentist, radiographs are taken which allow for diagnosis of dental decay, malformation of dental bone, bone loss, periodontal disease or to identify problems associated with benign or malignant masses. The use of digital x-ray versus traditional radiographs may seem irrelevant to the...

The primary ingredients in soda beverages that make them taste so good and become seemingly addictive are sugar, corn syrup, and carbonation. Your dentist can explain how regular soda consumption can lead to dental decay and gum disease. Soda pop is also very acidic, which is...

Many patients think that the dentist is only concerned with their teeth, but that is not the case. During a routine exam, your dentist will examine all of the structures in your mouth, including soft tissues like the gums, as well as your tongue. Furthermore,...

Children need education, coaxing, lecturing, and sometimes nagging to do the things needed to keep them healthy and happy. Caring for your child’s teeth is a parents’ job for many years, and even when youngsters evolve into teens and beyond, reminders to brush, floss and...