Why is Porcelain an Ideal Material to Use for Veneers?

Dental veneers are wafer thin shells used to cover a multitude of dental imperfections. Stained teeth – Genetics, age, medication, and lifestyle habits can result in stubborn stains that are not successfully treated with a hygienic cleaning or whitening products. Misshapen teeth – For those teeth that appear like they don’t belong, veneers can alter… Continue reading Why is Porcelain an Ideal Material to Use for Veneers?

Dental Veneers: A Custom Cosmetic Dentistry Solution

Many patients dislike their dental imperfections and would do just about anything to make changes. Thanks to veneers, their new smile can become a reality in just a few brief dental visits. A veneer is a wafer thin, tooth colored shell that is permanently cemented to teeth to correct: Stain and tooth discoloration – A… Continue reading Dental Veneers: A Custom Cosmetic Dentistry Solution

Treatment Options to Improve Smile Symmetry

A smile can reveal much about a person. A big bright smile exudes self-confidence, but for many the condition of their teeth may inhibit offering a big smile. Everyone desires straight, white teeth and thanks to dental veneers that new smile is possible. A consultation with your cosmetic dentist will provide information to treat and… Continue reading Treatment Options to Improve Smile Symmetry

Porcelain Veneers: Affordable Luxury

Once upon a time, only movie stars could enjoy beautiful smiles. The term “Movie Star Smile” became popular, and cosmetic dentistry was only a dream for most patients. With the advancement of dental technology and increasing accessibility of dental care, cosmetic solutions have become a reality for virtually anyone. Beautiful, durable materials such as porcelain,… Continue reading Porcelain Veneers: Affordable Luxury

Smile Confidently With Dental Veneers

There’s nothing like the feeling of self-consciousness that can rob you of your smile. Feeling insecure or uncomfortable with your smile can have a strong influence on your attitude, your mood, and your interactions with those around you. Since so much of our communication is non-verbal, others must rely on our facial expressions and smiles… Continue reading Smile Confidently With Dental Veneers

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