Common Causes of Tooth Loss

The loss of one or more teeth can be devastating at any age. Missing teeth can impact speech, the foods you can comfortably eat, and your self-confidence can be eroded. An ideal solution to restore dentition is with dental implants.

Some of the reasons tooth loss occurs include:

  • Trauma – A fall, car accident, or sports injury are just a few of the things that can result in damage to your mouth resulting in tooth loss.
  • Dental Decay – Cavities occur very often in children, but adults can be faced with decay due to negligent care or a diet high in sugar or carbohydrates. Daily brushing and flossing are needed to help control plaque buildup; patients who sip on soda or other sugar laden beverages are more likely to experience dental decay than those who sip on water.
  • Gum Disease – Tooth loss due to gum disease does not happen overnight. Periods of neglect or the daily use of tobacco contribute to the onset of gum disease. There are early signs of gum disease such as bleeding, swollen gum tissue; chronic bad breath; teeth appearing to pull away from gum tissue; or teeth feeling loose … any of these signs require a trip to the dentist for treatment.

Patients that have experienced tooth loss can have their dentition restored with dental implants. Your dentist will complete a review of your overall health and a thorough dental exam to determine your candidacy for this procedure.

Some of the qualifying requirements include sufficient bone in gum tissue, (there are treatment solutions for bone loss available, if needed), patient commitment to care throughout the implant process, willingness to give up tobacco, if used and the time needed as the dental implant and restoration process can take a year from start to finish.

A dental implant is a small titanium post that is embedded surgically in gum tissue where tooth loss has occurred. Depending on the number of teeth being supplanted, one or more implants may be needed.

A healing period follows … during that time bone is grafting to the implant incorporating the post to become a permanent part of the dental anatomy that will be secure enough to support the restoration that will eventually be placed.

The final restoration will be affixed to the implant allowing the patient to chew normally, speak clearly, and smile with renewed self-confidence.

Contact our office today to schedule a consultation!

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