Common Questions About Dentures

If you are suffering with tooth loss and need full or partial dentures, you probably have many questions about this type of tooth replacement method. Our practice is dedicated to helping patients achieve and maintain optimal oral health. Providing both full and partial dentures, our compassionate dentists offer some insight on commonly asked questions about prosthetic teeth.

What causes tooth loss in adulthood?

The leading cause of tooth loss is gum disease. This infection of gingival (gum) tissue can become severe without proper oral hygiene and professional treatment. When gum disease advances, tartar will accumulate below the gum line and along the roots of teeth. Over time, this accumulation of tartar will separate teeth from their support structures (gums and bone) causing them to loosen and eventually fall out. Tooth loss is caused by other factors, too such as extensive decay and traumatic injury to the mouth.

What is the difference between full and partial dentures?

Full dentures replace an entire arch of teeth in either the lower or upper jaw while partial dentures only replace some missing teeth. Partial dentures help fill in the gaps of a smile while also supporting neighboring biological teeth.

Will my dentures fit comfortably?

Each type of dentures, whether it is a full or a partial, is specially made for you in a dental laboratory. Our team will determine the exact size and shape of your dentures based on measurements of your mouth. Once the dentures are made, they are sent to our practice for their fitting. During this time, our team will make sure that they fit as intended. Of course, wearing dentures takes some adjusting in the beginning to get used to the feel of the prosthetics, but patients typically become used to their new teeth within a couple of weeks.

Are dentures difficult to clean?

No, dentures are not difficult to clean. However, keeping them clean is very important. Dentures are soaked overnight in a cleansing solution and the surfaces of prosthetic teeth should be brushed. Patients should also brush their gums, tongue, and the insides of cheeks to help reduce the presence of oral bacteria.

To learn more about your tooth replacement options, call dentist grand prairie to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists.

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