Enjoy Safety and Convenience with Digital X-rays

When you visit your dentist, radiographs are taken which allow for diagnosis of dental decay, malformation of dental bone, bone loss, periodontal disease or to identify problems associated with benign or malignant masses.

The use of digital x-ray versus traditional radiographs may seem irrelevant to the patient; however, the result means:

  1. Less exposure to radiation – even though the amount of radiation is considered minimal at each appointment, a lead apron is placed over the patient for utmost protection.
  2. Time saving – with traditional dental x-rays, the picture is taken; the dental provider must then transport the x-rays to a darkroom for processing; the x-ray is placed in a chemical bath during processing; the x-ray is then returned for the dentist to read. If an error was made in any of the steps, the process must be repeated. This is time consuming and wasteful. With digital x-rays, the result is immediately displayed on a screen … if further diagnostic evidence is required, it can be obtained right away.
  3. Digital radiographs are stored electronically – they can be transmitted and viewed between dental rooms or dental offices.
  4. Better quality – Until digital x-ray, hairline cracks and small caries were difficult to see. Consequently identifying some dental problems was not done until they may have escalated into a more serious problem.

Some dental maladies are obvious and can be diagnosed before the x-ray is even taken. But a visual exam cannot identify underlying issues such as decay beneath the gum line or further decay in a tooth previously treated for a cavity.

While bone loss can be suspected due to general oral condition, x-rays must be taken to confirm the diagnosis.

When the need arises for endodontic care (root canal therapy), a dental radiograph is needed to verify the number of root canals to be treated as well as their location for a successful procedure.

When trauma occurs, an x-ray can identify the extent of the damage often not detected with a visual examination.

Impacted teeth can be identified which can lead to a proper diagnosis and correction before a more serious or painful condition can occur.

Ultimately, early detection and correction saves time and money; and when dealing with many dental conditions this also translates into a less uncomfortable condition and treatment procedure when finally discovered.

Call our team at 972-264-5795 to schedule your appointment today.

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