FAQs About Dentures

Patients who need to restore a complete upper or lower arch, or even their entire smile, will understandably have questions about how to proceed with treatment. Dentures are a popular, affordable method for restoring your beautiful smile, and here are many of the most common questions that people have about this treatment method.

Are dentures really uncomfortable? Will they feel unnatural?

Many prospective denture wearers have misconceptions about how their dentures will fit and feel. Unfortunately, dentures in the past were not necessarily tailored to a particular patient’s unique jaw structure, but today’s dentures are custom-made based on specifications provided by your dentist, which makes them fit much better. This special design also makes dentures

Will other people know that I’m wearing dentures?

The materials used to make modern dentures are technologically advanced and closely mimic biological tooth enamel. This means that your prosthetic smile will look much like your natural one did! Casual observers may not even be able to tell the difference.

How are dentures designed and made?

In the initial phases of the treatment process, your dentist will collect information, such as dental impressions and x-rays. These are used by the dental lab to design and craft the appliance. When your dentures are ready, you’ll return to our office to be fitted for them.

How long do dentures last?

You will receive instructions on proper care for your dentures and your gum tissue when you get the appliances. If you follow these instructions closely, you should be able to keep your dentures for a number of years. Some bone loss does occur following tooth loss, and this can affect the fit of your denture over time. If your dentures become looser, we can re-line them to improve the fit.

How much do dentures cost?

The cost of dentures varies from patient to patient, depending on the unique circumstances of the case. There may also be associated costs, for related things like dental impressions or x-rays/imaging, when necessary. Your anticipated costs will be discussed in greater detail with you at your initial consultation.

Are you considering dentures and want additional information about how to proceed? Schedule an initial consultation at our office to learn more about this treatment and discuss your options in greater detail.

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