Spaces Between my Front Teeth: Can veneers help?

Many patients who have a gap between their front teeth (a diastema) want to address the problem, but they may not want to endure months or even years of orthodontic treatment to reposition those teeth.

Fortunately, veneers can achieve the desired effect in a much shorter period of time.

A cosmetic dentist can use veneers to conceal any number of unattractive problems, including chips, stains or cracks in the teeth. Additionally, veneers can be used to fill in an empty space between the teeth.

Veneers are thin, tooth-shaped shells, often made of porcelain. They are bonded atop your natural teeth to cover up problems that detract from your smile’s appearance. 

A cosmetic dentist can use veneers to conceal any number of unattractive problems, including chips, stains or cracks in the teeth. Additionally, veneers can be used to fill in an empty space between the teeth.

The treatment timeline is quite short, and patients usually have their veneers in place within a matter of weeks. At an initial appointment, the cosmetic dentist gathers data used to plan for the shape of the veneers. The teeth may also need to have a thin layer of enamel removed to make room for the veneers.

The information gathered at the initial appointment is then forwarded to the dental laboratory tasked with custom-designing and crafting the veneers. The dentist usually has the veneers back in his or her office within a week or two, and the patient returns to have them placed.

At that second appointment, the dentist may make further adjustments to the shade and shape of the veneer per the patient’s request. In the last step, the veneers are permanently attached to the tooth with a strong dental bonding agent.

Additionally, it’s also important to consider that the porcelain used in the veneers does not respond to teeth whitening treatments in the same way that natural enamel does. If you are planning to have a tooth whitening treatment, do so before the veneers are placed.

If you want to close the gap between your front teeth but are reluctant to pursue orthodontia, consider veneers as an alternative. They can help to improve your smile’s appearance and fill in that gap. Talk to our cosmetic dentists to learn more about your treatment options.

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