Beware of an Acidic Diet

Ask any dentist about what causes tooth decay and cavities, and an acidic diet will likely be high up in most of the replies. Although bacteria and plaque are key drivers of tooth decay and cavities, it is how these substances react with the food and drink we consume that is really the crux of… Continue reading Beware of an Acidic Diet

Wisdom Teeth Extraction: What is the recovery process?

Wisdom teeth problems such as impactions often inflict pain on patients, and so many people with issues with wisdom teeth have them removed by a dentist. Wisdom teeth serve no real purpose in our mouths now as the evolutionary cycle has seen our jawbone and mouth become smaller and better formed. Impacted wisdom teeth occur… Continue reading Wisdom Teeth Extraction: What is the recovery process?

Why Would I Need a Dental Crown?

For anyone who has chipped or cracked a tooth, feeling self-conscious about your smile is always a possibility. Aside from the damage done to the tooth, the tooth itself may otherwise be totally healthy, and so a dentist may be reluctant to perform an extraction of the tooth. A dental crown could be the answer,… Continue reading Why Would I Need a Dental Crown?

The Unique Dental Needs of Children

Many people believe the dental needs of children and adults are similar, but there are distinct differences between the two. One of the most important is the attitude that children may have towards a visit to the dentist. However, while it might be natural for children – and even many adults today – to feel… Continue reading The Unique Dental Needs of Children

Consequences of a Single Tooth Loss

Many people experience the loss of a single tooth. For some, the loss might occur as the result of an accident; while for others, a dental extraction might have been necessary. However, while many people may believe the loss of a tooth has no great bearing on the overall health of their teeth, in reality,… Continue reading Consequences of a Single Tooth Loss

Dental Veneers: A Custom Cosmetic Dentistry Solution

Many patients dislike their dental imperfections and would do just about anything to make changes. Thanks to veneers, their new smile can become a reality in just a few brief dental visits. A veneer is a wafer thin, tooth colored shell that is permanently cemented to teeth to correct: Stain and tooth discoloration – A… Continue reading Dental Veneers: A Custom Cosmetic Dentistry Solution

Root Canal Therapy: Purpose and Procedure

Patients that experience a tooth that has been compromised by infection have few options. Do nothing, and run the risk of losing the tooth and spreading infection. Or opt for root canal therapy, save the tooth and eliminate the discomfort and cost of what may be needed if the tooth is lost. For patients that… Continue reading Root Canal Therapy: Purpose and Procedure

Maintaining Healthy Teeth and Gums Through the Retirement Years

Society has painted senior citizens with a variety of issues from false teeth and slipping dentures to hearing loss to falling down with the inability to get up. Although some of life’s situations are unavoidable, your dentist can show you the way to a healthy mouth for your lifetime. As toddlers we are taught to… Continue reading Maintaining Healthy Teeth and Gums Through the Retirement Years

Detriment of not diagnosing, discussing and treating wisdom teeth impactions

Wisdom teeth may no longer serve any useful purpose in the mouth, but they nonetheless form part of our biological makeup, and almost everyone will experience the ingress of wisdom teeth. The third molar is the largest of all teeth in the mouth, and while useful to our ancestors, the evolution of humans has resulted… Continue reading Detriment of not diagnosing, discussing and treating wisdom teeth impactions

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