Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease

As with most illnesses or medical conditions, there are several degrees of severity. The same pertains to gum disease. From the onset of gingivitis to the more serious periodontitis, there are usually many signs that would warrant a visit to The Dental Place in Grand Prairie, TX for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Chronic bad… Continue reading Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease

When is root canal treatment recommended?

For many patients the very words “root canal” can feel overwhelming. However, improved technology and instrumentation has allowed Dr. Robert D. Maxey and Dr. Cecil F. George, Jr. to perform this procedure in less time and with less consternation than ever before. A root canal is a procedure, one of the dental services in Grand Prairie we offer, is… Continue reading When is root canal treatment recommended?

Are You Prepared for a Dental Emergency?

For many, the idea of having to prepare for a dental emergency might seem minor. But if you have a child or are responsible to care for the well-being of a friend or family member, knowing what constitutes a dental emergency and how to respond if needed is very important. Having a family dentist is… Continue reading Are You Prepared for a Dental Emergency?

Treatment options for teeth grinding and clenching

Patients who unknowingly grind or clench their teeth—a condition known as bruxism—often come to their Grand Prairie dental office with complaints of symptoms like headaches and unexplained tooth wear. Some patients may be unaware of the habit, while others are tipped off by spouses or partners whose sleep is routinely disrupted by the noise. If… Continue reading Treatment options for teeth grinding and clenching

What is a Smile Makeover?

With the advanced techniques of modern dentistry, there’s no need for patients to settle for anything less than a stellar smile. If you weren’t born with a perfect set of pearly whites, don’t despair. Your Grand Prairie TX cosmetic dentist can intervene to transform your smile. Your comprehensive smile makeover may include treatments ranging from… Continue reading What is a Smile Makeover?

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you’re familiar with dental implants, you probably recognize that they’re the best tooth replacement option available. They last for decades when maintained properly, and they preserve a natural tooth’s functionality in a way that alternatives like bridges and dentures cannot. However, in order to take advantage of the benefits of dental implants in Grand… Continue reading Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

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