07 Jan 4 Things You Need to Know about Dental Exams
Did you know that dental checkups are very thorough? Dental examinations can reveal a number of oral health and general wellness concerns. With routine checkups and cleanings, your dentist can help you stay on top of your oral health and overall wellbeing. Following are four important aspects of dental examinations that you might not know.
Your Teeth and Gums Can Reveal Health Concerns
The state of your teeth and gums can reveal more than just oral health concerns. The health of the mouth and body is connected. Many oral health conditions coincide with general ailments, including chronic health problems like impaired immunity, fungal infections, and diabetes.
Your Dentist Can Tell if You’re Stressed Out
Are you losing sleep and peace of mind to stress? An oral healthcare provider might notice that you’re stressed out before you vocalize it. For instance, many people clench and grind their teeth – a habit called bruxism – as a response to stress. This habit can wear down your dentition and inflame your gums. The trained eye of an oral health professional might notice the effects of bruxism long before you do.
A Dental Checkup Can Save Your Life
During checkups, the health of the entire oral cavity is evaluated. On top of examining the condition of structures like teeth, bones, and gums, dentists and specialists look for signs of oral cancer.
Oral cancer screenings are an important part of checkups. Cancers that develop in the oral cavity can be fatal, but a person’s chances of survival are far greater when oral cancer is detected and treated as early as possible.
Regular Appointments Save Money and Time
Keeping regular appointments for checkups and cleanings can do more for you than just reveal issues; it can save you time and money. When problems are detected early on, they are less expensive and time consuming to treat.
For example, a small cavity is normally treated with a conservative restoration called a “filling”. Without treatment, that cavity will deepen and widen, making a filling ineffective. Larger areas of decay and damage require larger restorations like inlays and crowns, which are more costly and time consuming to receive.
Call The Dental Place today to reserve a checkup and cleaning with our dental team.