5 Helpful Dental Habits to Follow

As scientific research and accessibility to information has improved, people as a whole have become more health conscientious. Many of our patients have inquired about ways to improve their oral health at home. While our dentists and our team are always happy to answer our guests’ questions and concerns, we have compiled some helpful tips for protecting one’s oral health.

Never Go to Bed Without Brushing

At the end of a long day, it might be tempting to just fall into a comfy bed the minute you get home but forgetting to brush your teeth is a huge mistake. Bacteria colonize as you sleep – especially if you have leftover food particles and debris stuck in your teeth. Our team strongly encourages patients to brush their teeth before bed and to avoid eating or drinking anything with sugar or acid afterwards.

Always Remember to Floss Daily

Some folks may feel that flossing is unnecessary if they believe they brush thoroughly. While brushing is important to keeping teeth clean, a toothbrush cannot reach certain areas of the mouth. Flossing is essential to cleaning in between teeth. Moreover, patients who floss will disrupt colonies of bacteria that form along the gum line.

Don’t Skip Visits to the Dentist

Skipping dental cleanings and routine checkups can put your oral health at great risk. Many people are surprised to learn how comprehensive checkups are. During checkups, your dentist will look for signs of gum disease, perform an oral cancer screening, and evaluate the health of teeth, gums, and bone.

 Be Prepared for Dental Emergencies

Accidents happen, and when they do, it’s important to be prepared. If you wake up with a debilitating toothache or injure a tooth from an accidental fall, be sure to keep our practice number on hand so that we can fit you into our schedule for treatment.

Don’t Ignore Symptoms

Ignoring symptoms like toothaches, bleeding gums, or changes in the color or texture of soft oral tissues can be problematic to overall health. If you notice any changes in the appearance of oral structures or experience new sensations, let our team know as soon as you can.

For additional tips or to reserve a cleaning or checkup, contact The Dental Place at 972-264-5795 today.

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