Brushing and Flossing Do More Than Just Clean Teeth

Your main motivation for brushing and flossing every day may be maintaining an attractive smile, but these oral hygiene habits actually do much more than preserving the appearance of your teeth. Brushing and flossing help to keep oral bacteria in check, and that can prevent issues like cavities and gum disease and generally make your smile healthier and stronger.

Brushing your teeth twice a day, for two minutes each session, and flossing daily helps to reduce the presence of harmful oral bacteria, which causes tooth decay and inflammation in the gum tissue. Those issues may require you to seek additional care from your dentist beyond the preventive services you should be receiving at least two times a year.

Because it is a warm, moist environment, your mouth is quite hospitable to bacteria. This can be found in plaque, the sticky film that clings to your teeth, and tartar, which is a hard substance that builds up on the teeth, often along the gum line. If you didn’t brush and floss regularly, those bacteria would have ample opportunity to proliferate.

While brushing and flossing are powerful tools against various oral diseases, they are not sufficient to maintain a healthy smile alone. You still need to see your dentist every six months and get professional cleanings, which are essential to removing any plaque and calculus that have accumulated, which still can happen even when you brush and floss daily.

These routine check-ups are also important because if you do develop a cavity or gum disease despite regular brushing and flossing, the problem can be diagnosed and treated early, when treatment is more conservative and effective. It’s much better to get a filling for a small cavity than to need a crown to restore a tooth that’s been affected by significant decay.

Are you brushing and flossing as often as is recommended and using proper technique? Feel free to check in with one of our expert staff members to make sure you’re doing everything possible to keep your smile strong and healthy. Call us today at The Dental Place to make an appointment!

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