Why Do I Keep Getting Canker Sores?

Why Do I Keep Getting Canker Sores?

Canker sores create such severe discomfort, eating and speaking can be an inconvenienced for up to two weeks waiting for the sores to heal. If canker sores occur frequently, your dentist can provide valuable tips that might help to minimize their presence as well as offer medications that might ease the discomfort that accompanies these small, but life disrupting lesions.

Canker sores afflict mostly adolescents between the ages of ten and twenty. Although their origin cannot be attributed to one particular thing, it is thought that diet, hormones, stress or oral abrasions can play a role in their occurrence. These little ulcers can appear on the tongue, cheeks, gums, throat … anywhere where oral tissue exists, you can develop a canker sore.

 These little ulcers can appear on the tongue, cheeks, gums, throat … anywhere where oral tissue exists, you can develop a canker sore.

Children and young adults that are undergoing orthodontic care may experience abrasions from the metal bands, brackets, or wires that can result in canker sores.

Foods high in acidic value may contribute to these sores as well … citrus fruits like oranges and vegetables such as tomatoes eaten often might trigger an outbreak. Patients who chew gum frequently might develop canker sores more often.

Females are thought to develop canker sores more often than males which might be due to hormones.

Stress can also trigger the sores … pressures from school, classmates, problems at home … youngsters experience stress just like adults and canker sores may result.

People can experience simple canker sores with occurrence a few times per year. If canker sores develop more often, the patient is likely suffering from complex canker sores. The basis for this type of disturbance may be more involved than diet. Certain illnesses or vitamin deficiencies are thought to be possible culprits.

Prevention is difficult as their occurrence is inconsistent. But when dental discomfort due to canker sores erupts, there are a couple of options.

You can wait them out – the most severe of the discomfort is often abated within a few days. A visit to the dentist may result in being given an antimicrobial rinse. Or you can visit your drug store for one of the many products available over the counter to provide relief.

If you experience canker sores often, a diary of foods and beverages consumed might provide clues to our dentists at The Dental Place, of what you can avoid to prevent or limit future outbreaks.