cosmetic dentist

woman with white smile teeth whitening conceptIf your teeth look dull or discolored, it can be hard to feel happy with your overall appearance. After all, your smile can be one of the first things people notice about you. If it appears stained, it can make you seem less healthy, older, and generally less attractive. Addressing the problem can lead to a welcome boost in confidence. While doing so on your own can prove difficult, you can find that your Grand Prairie, TX dentist's office is prepared to help! Our practice offers the Opalescence teeth whitening system, which includes stronger bleaching agents than over the counter alternatives and custom-made oral trays for application.
woman with nice smile veneers conceptDoubts about your smile can have a significant effect on your confidence. It can become difficult for you to make the right first impression, you can find it hard to smile for photos, and you can grow self-conscious about your overall appearance. Part of what frustrates people with smile flaws is how hard they are to hide. The good news is that whatever problem holds you back from smiling with confidence can be addressed with cosmetic treatment. Our Grand Prairie, TX dental office can recommend treatment with porcelain veneers to address your doubts about the way you look. With these slender restorations, we can take on several problems at one time, giving you noteworthy and lasting changes to enjoy!