Dentist Grand Prairie

Even if you are away from home, you should not neglect your oral health. Our practice understands that our patients live very busy lives and sometimes our schedules get in the way of making good choices for our oral health. Fortunately, maintaining proper oral hygiene...

Your main motivation for brushing and flossing every day may be maintaining an attractive smile, but these oral hygiene habits actually do much more than preserving the appearance of your teeth. Brushing and flossing help to keep oral bacteria in check, and that can prevent...

Gingivitis is early-stage gum disease. Many times, gingivitis can be asymptomatic in the beginning but there are some common indicators that gum tissue is inflamed and irritated. The most common noticeable symptoms that a patient may see are red or inflamed gums, gums that bleed...

Did you know that 99% of people will develop a cavity at least once in their lifetimes? Tooth decay is one of the most common oral health conditions and a dentist must treat it because untreated tooth decay can manifest into severe damage to a...

There is a variety of proactive things you can do to protect your dental health: visiting your dentist every six months for a thorough cleaning and dental exam, brushing twice daily with a fluoridated tooth paste and flossing every day. However, you may also hear...

Neglecting your oral health can have devastating effects on the health and vitality of oral tissues. Neglect can also cost you a lot of time and money when conditions and diseases are left untreated for prolonged amounts of time. This is why it is important...

By now, most people are acutely aware of the fact that smoking is terrible for your health. There is a litany of reasons a person shouldn’t smoke - from increased risks for cardiovascular disease to premature aging. Another reason smoking is bad for your quality...

As scientific research and accessibility to information has improved, people as a whole have become more health conscientious. Many of our patients have inquired about ways to improve their oral health at home. While our dentists and our team are always happy to answer our...

Did you know that injured and badly damaged teeth could sometimes be saved? If you crack, dislodge, or allow a tooth to become deeply decayed, there is hope with endodontic therapy. This type of treatment can prevent the need for the surgical removal (extraction) of...

There was a time not too long ago that a tooth filling was silver. Over time, the silver darkened. But since that was the only material available to correct dental decay, everyone was in the same boat. If you had a cavity, you had a...