Chipped Denture: What are my options?

The attempt to perform a repair on your own chipped denture using glue or denture paste is tempting, but never recommended. You should contact your dentist right away to schedule an appointment for your best option.

If your denture is older, you may have experienced gum tissue shrinkage which can change the way dentures fit. An improperly fitting prosthesis can mean you are not chewing correctly which can present problems in fit, function, and appearance, and may lead to a break or chip in your denture. Biting down on something hard or awkwardly can result in dislodging a tooth in your denture or fracturing the porcelain.

An accidental drop in the sink or to the floor can break or chip the porcelain. You should always work with your denture over a soft surface – place a towel in the sink or on a counter top in the event of an accidental drop.

If you are in a hurry or away from home you may be tempted to purchase a denture repair kit to provide a temporary solution. But it is important to note that an amateur repair may result in doing more damage to your denture as well as create additional problems such as sore spots on your gums. Or if the repair is not done correctly, it could look bad or not function right.

If you are away from home, a simple phone call to your own dentist will provide you with the information needed to find a local dental provider to help or offer you the assistance you need until you can get home. 

Taking proper care of your denture will extend its life … never boil or microwave your denture to disinfect it – this can warp it, changing the way it fits. Make sure to store it properly when not being worn. And clean it using the proper tools – the brush and paste you use for your biological teeth are too harsh for your denture.

For more tips about denture care, contact our team at The Dental Place today!

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