Complete vs. Partial Denture

An adult that has sustained tooth loss from dental decay, trauma or disease has many options. Based on the number of teeth lost, dentures make the perfect solution.

With the loss of one or a couple of teeth, a partial denture is made to match the shape and shade of the remaining natural teeth. Those remaining abutment teeth are used to hold the partial in place.

If replacing an entire arch, a complete denture will serve as the best option. A wax model of what your denture will look like will be made up by your dentist to select the most natural look for you, and a dental lab will fabricate the denture from the model.

Whether or not you are receiving a complete or partial denture, your dentist will fit you with a temporary restoration until your denture is made. When your denture is ready, you will likely need a couple of visits to the dentist as adjustments might be needed to make the denture look and feel as natural and comfortable as possible.

With tooth loss, over time the gum tissue sustains bone loss resulting in a natural shrinkage of the gum tissue. This might require additional adjustments to maintain the best fit of your denture.

Caring for your denture is somewhat different than caring for your natural teeth. Using a soft bristle brush and the recommended cleaning product will keep your denture looking its best. Using a firm brush and toothpaste can damage the surface of your denture. Never make adjustments to your denture on your own as this can weaken the metal clasps on your partial denture.

When not being worn, a denture should be kept moist. There are products available to soak and store your dentures. Never boil or bleach dentures. Boiling can warp the denture and bleaching can turn the gum colored portion of your denture from a natural pink to white.

Taking special care of the gum tissue under your denture is important. Any remaining teeth should be brushed and flossed carefully each day before putting in your denture. Keeping gum tissue healthy will allow the best and most comfortable fit for your denture.

Seeing your dental provider consistently for a professional cleaning and exam will help you keep your denture and remaining teeth healthy for many years.

If you would like more information on the difference between complete and partial dentures, contact our office serving Arlington TX at 972-264-5795 today to schedule a consultation.

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