Eat the Foods You Want With Dental Implants

When a person experiences the loss of one or more teeth, the reality of not being able to eat certain foods is very difficult. Thanks to dental implants, you can regain the ability to eat the foods you love and resume the normal lifestyle you enjoyed before tooth loss.

You can resume eating the foods you love. Continued excellent dental hygiene habits will allow a lifetime of smiles.

A consultation with your implant dentist will confirm if you are a candidate for dental implants.

  • Good overall health. Your dentist will discuss any health issues that might interfere with the implant process such as immune diseases like diabetes. Certain precautions must be taken to be sure the patient has an excellent prognosis for a successful implant procedure.
  • Good dental health. A thorough dental exam will be conducted including dental x-rays to be sure there is sufficient bone strength to sustain dental implants. Patients that suffer from periodontal disease might require further treatment prior to undergoing the implant procedure.
  • Commitment. The patient must be willing to commit to a dental regimen that includes daily flossing and brushing to keep the implant area clean and healthy. Since infection is a leading cause for implant failure, understanding this aspect of care is critical to success.
  • Tobacco Use. Patients that smoke will be strongly encouraged to quit before undergoing the implant process. Research has shown that smoking is another leading cause of implant failure.

The dental implant will be placed in the gum tissue where tooth loss has occurred. The implant is made from titanium which has been proven to successfully fuse to bone. During the healing process that follows, it will integrate into the gum tissue eventually acting much like the root of your natural tooth.

When healed, your dentist will complete treatment by placing a final restoration that has been fabricated to match the shape and shade of your surrounding natural teeth.  At this point, you will have restored the ability to eat, speak and smile with the confidence once enjoyed before tooth loss.

Without concerns about slippage or movement, your new implant is as close to a natural tooth as possible. You can resume eating the foods you love. Continued excellent dental hygiene habits will allow a lifetime of smiles.

To find out how dental implants can benefit your smile, contact our Arlington TX office today to schedule your appointment.

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