25 Apr Will Custom Dentures Affect My Speech?
Our teeth play a subtle, yet important role in the way we speak. Our speech is formed through a series of interactions between the many facets which make up our oral cavities – our teeth, tongue, cheeks, lips and even the palate of our mouths all contribute to the way in which we pronounce our words.
In the past, people with dentures had difficulty with pronouncing certain words, as their dentures could easily slip, causing clicking and whistling sounds during speech. However, today’s modern dental techniques and custom dentures go a long way to helping denture wearers speak properly, as well as delivering other benefits such as smile appearance.
Older dentures tended to be of a uniform size; often not being crafted to take account of a patient’s oral structure. As a result, they were often ill-fitting, and many patients found it difficult to adapt to their use. Custom dentures, however, allow the dentist to design and manufacture dentures according to the specific dimensions of the patient’s mouth; taking into account a range of factors to ensure that dentures deliver a cosy fit that not only improves the smile’s appearance, but helps to maintain speech patterns, and enhance biting and chewing ability.
A well-fitted denture helps to ensure that there are no compromises on the way the wearer speaks; sounds can be elicited properly without the added clicks or whistles, or even the dreaded slip of dentures. Foods can be bitten into and chewed with greater ease, meaning those foods that were once taboo can now be enjoyed, and the patient is not restricted to eating soft, mushy foods as a result.
And the shape of the dental arch and position of existing teeth can also be maintained as custom dentures can provide support to adjacent teeth, so preventing them from shifting position and compromising a patient’s bite pattern and strength.
What’s more, custom dentures can be shaped and shaded to provide a perfect match to already-existing teeth, helping further to deliver a natural finish that’s difficult to tell apart from natural, healthy teeth.
Today’s dentures are stronger, more flexible and can be designed to meet the specific needs of the patient. It’s little wonder then that they continue to enjoy popularity as a means of tooth replacement.
Contact The Dental Place to learn if you can benefit from custom dentures. Call 972-264-5795 to schedule your visit.