Do dental crowns require special care?

A dental crown has the capability to perform many functions, and saving a tooth by protecting it with a crown is one that has allowed millions of people to maintain excellent dental health.

Caring for a crown is the same as the steps you take to care for your biological teeth. You need to brush at least twice daily with a fluoridated tooth paste; floss daily (your dentist can show you how to successfully floss around a crowned tooth); and keep the twice yearly dental appointments to have your teeth thoroughly cleaned and examined.

Crowns not only allow your dentist to save your tooth, but they look natural and can last for many, many years. Some of the ways a dental crown can help you preserve your good dental health include:

Correct a cracked or broken tooth … there is no need to extract a tooth that has broken down. Removing a healthy tooth base simply means that you will need to learn to function without a tooth or spend hours and lots of money to correct with an alternative restoration.

Complete treatment following root canal therapy … when infection or trauma impacts the nerve of a tooth, endodontic therapy may be the only way to save the tooth from extraction. Once a root canal is completed, the access point needs to be sealed. A dental crown is an ideal way to finish the job.

Dental decay can attack a tooth more than once … when a tooth can no longer sustain further repair without risking its viability, a crown may be recommended. There are partial crowns (inlays or onlays depending on where the decay is prevalent) that may serve this purpose without having to remove more of the natural tooth.

As a means to support a fixed prosthesis … one or more dental crowns allows the patient to enjoy having lost teeth permanently restored.

When seeking a permanent solution to the loss of one or more teeth … dental implants are becoming more popular. They restore the ability to eat and speak with the same freedom you enjoyed before tooth loss; and they are protected with a restoration that is so natural and lifelike, it is difficult to discern the crown from natural teeth.

Although consuming some sticky foods may be discouraged, dental crowns provide solutions without requiring any special follow-up care.

To learn more about dental crowns or to schedule an appointment, contact The Dental Place at 972-264-5795 today.

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