How well will I be able to eat with a dental crown?

A dental crown is an incredible restoration because it restores badly damaged and diseased teeth to their proper shape and size. With a crown, patients with severely affected teeth can enjoy renewed and comfortable oral function. Since our dentists utilize very strong bonding agents to place a crown over a tooth and because a crown… Continue reading How well will I be able to eat with a dental crown?

Can dental crowns improve the appearance of natural teeth?

For patients whose natural teeth have been marred by damage or decay, a dental crown can help to restore a tooth and enhance its appearance. A dentist will typically use a dental crown to restore and strengthen a tooth that has developed a large cavity or one that has been damaged due to a facial… Continue reading Can dental crowns improve the appearance of natural teeth?

Why Would I Need a Dental Crown?

For anyone who has chipped or cracked a tooth, feeling self-conscious about your smile is always a possibility. Aside from the damage done to the tooth, the tooth itself may otherwise be totally healthy, and so a dentist may be reluctant to perform an extraction of the tooth. A dental crown could be the answer,… Continue reading Why Would I Need a Dental Crown?

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