Dental Implants Offer A Long-Term, Permanent Solution

Tooth loss is difficult to accept no matter the reason it occurs or the age you are when it happens. However, today there is a wonderful solution to tooth loss that restores function and aesthetics, and that is with a dental implant.

A dental implant procedure allows your dentist to place a small device made from titanium in gum tissue where tooth loss has occurred. Titanium has been researched and found to be a metal most receptive to the body limiting rejection. In addition, bone fuses naturally to this metal incorporating it as a permanent part of the dental anatomy providing a strength and support very much like the roots perform for a biological tooth.

The patient receiving a dental implant will undergo several months of healing before receiving the final restoration to complete treatment. During this healing period it is imperative that the patient keep the implant area clean by brushing and flossing as directed by your dentist. Infection is the leading cause of implant failure, so keeping the implant as free from bacteria as possible is crucial.

Tobacco use is also a problem for the implant recipient as smoking is another leading factor for implant failure. A commitment from the patient to follow the instructions given by their dental provider will ensure a better chance for success.

Once the healing period is completed, the phase of uncovering the implant and placing the hardware to affix the restoration is implemented. The final restoration can be made of one unit (tooth), several teeth in the form of an implant supported bridge, or multiple implants to support an entire arch.

Your dentist will work with the dental lab to fabricate the restoration that will be the perfect match to remaining teeth in coloring, shape and size.

Dental implants will return you to total dental function with the ability to eat all the foods you love; you will be able to speak without any impediment due to missing teeth; and you will smile with renewed self-confidence.

Caring for dental implants is much like the care needed for natural teeth. Daily flossing, brushing after meals, and keeping twice yearly appointments with your dentist at The Dental Place to clean your teeth and monitor for any potential dental issues should allow you to enjoy a healthy smile for a lifetime.

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