Will I be Able to Eat with My New Dentures?

As with any change to a part of your body, dentures can take a period of adjustment before a comfort level is achieved.

A denture is used to replace lost permanent teeth. A partial denture replaces several teeth while a complete denture is employed for a missing upper or lower arch. When consulting with your dentist about dentures, there are several considerations:

  • Fixed or removable – If a removable denture is your choice, there are options available as to the attachment mechanism used. A fixed denture is permanent, and if the teeth that abut the area to be treated are healthy, this may be the most desired option. That is because there are no concerns about a fixed denture slipping when speaking, smiling or eating.
  • Immediate or conventional – An immediate denture is prepared prior to having teeth removed. There are no temporaries to deal with as the final denture is placed immediately following extraction. A conventional denture is placed after healing has taken place.

Eating with dentures can take a little practice, especially depending on the type of denture you have selected. Many patients are tempted to remove their denture initially when eating; however this will make it difficult to learn how to eat with it in place.

Ideally, leaving the denture in place and selecting soft foods is best at first. When learning to eat more solid foods, smaller bites and chewing on both sides will expedite the comfort level. Caution is to be exercised when eating and drinking hot items as the senses may need a period of adjustment as well.

During the first couple of weeks of learning to live with your new denture, you may experience temporary discomfort as you adjust. Your denture has been customized specifically for you, but do not hesitate to contact your dentist if sores develop or your denture feels like it is slipping.

Do not make the mistake of trying to make adjustments to your denture on your own. If your new denture is experiencing movement you may be tempted to make a few minor tweaks on your own to eliminate a trip for adjustment, but it is ill advised. Your dentist made this denture for your comfort and function, so allow for needed adjustments.

If you are considering dentures as a tooth replacement solution, contact our experienced team at The Dental Place and schedule your personal consultation today.

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