Follow These 5 Tips for a Healthier Mouth

Follow These 5 Tips for a Healthier Mouth

dentist Grand PrairieYour oral health is precious. Investing in achieving a healthy mouth can stave off disease, save you money, and preserve a youthful appearance. From visiting the dentist for regular checkups to practicing great oral hygiene, here are five tips that can help you keep your mouth healthy.

Brush for Two Minutes

Most people don’t brush their teeth long enough. If you’re brushing less than two minutes each time you clean your teeth, you’re not cleaning as thoroughly as you should. Beyond brushing all surfaces of your teeth, you should take time to brush your tongue, the insides of your cheeks and lips, and your gums. Soft tissue harbors harmful bacteria and debris just like our teeth.

Floss Daily

Are you flossing each day? Brushing alone is not enough to truly clean your mouth. Flossing helps clean where a toothbrush can’t reach between teeth and at the gum line. Regular and proper flossing will reduce your risks for gum disease and dental caries. We recommend investing in ADA-approved, waxed dental floss.

Drink Plenty of Water

Sure, water intake hydrates your body but consuming enough water also benefits your oral health. Water keeps oral tissue moist, rinses away debris, and dilutes acids that attack tooth enamel. Drinking 64-ounces of water each day can do a lot of good for your teeth and gums.

Reduce Sugar and Acid Consumption

Sugar and acid are major threats to your oral health. Bacteria feed on sugar and acid weakens tooth enamel. By reducing the consumption of sugary and acidic foods/beverages, you can reduce the risks of enamel loss and cavities.

Keep Appointments for Checkups and Cleanings

Visits to the dentist are a necessity for keeping a healthy mouth. You should visit our practice every six months for checkups and cleanings. These visits help ensure that potential problems are detected as soon as possible. Early detection and treatment of oral diseases can save you money and time spent on dental procedures.

We’re accepting new patients. Call The Dental Place today to reserve an appointment.