Healthy Teeth – Healthy Body: Tips to Improve Oral and Overall Health

Many of the things we do to keep our teeth healthy are the same things we should do to maintain great overall health. Eat a diet consisting of foods enriched with vitamins and nutrients (fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, proteins, fish, and poultry); exercise often; get adequate rest; avoid stress; do not smoke; stay hydrated; avoid illicit drugs; do not abuse alcohol; and for your dental health specifically brush twice every day with a fluoridated toothpaste, floss daily, and see your dentist every six months for cleaning and dental exam.

  • Diet – We know what we should consume; but awareness of the things that can do harm may not be so evident. Foods and beverages high in sugar and/or acidic value can result in the emergence of dental decay.
  • Sound sleep – Daily stressors, busy schedules, and non-stop commitments can make getting a good night’s sleep difficult. Add in the possibility that the patient may develop a nighttime habit like teeth grinding and jaw clenching, and you increase the odds of developing a dental problem that can lead to broken teeth. A sleep guard fabricated by your dentist can help with sleep and breaking this habit.
  • Tobacco use – Smoking cigarettes, cigars, or a pipe; e-cigs; or chewing tobacco … all are known to be hazardous to your health. But patients that use tobacco products are far more likely to be faced with periodontal disease and the potential for tooth loss.
  • Drink lots of water – So called health or sports drinks can be loaded with sugar. Think twice before consuming soda … even the sugar free varieties can take a toll on your teeth. The best beverage you can consume for your great health is water. If you don’t like plain water, try infusing it with fresh fruit.
  • Alcohol use – be aware of the hazards; excessive consumption can do harm.
  • Oral health – There is definitely a link between dental and overall health. Taking care of one will naturally contribute to the other. So while doing things for your overall health, do not neglect taking care of your teeth.

Brush twice daily with a fluoridated toothpaste using a soft bristle toothbrush; floss every day to remove what your toothbrush missed; and see your dentist every six months for a cleaning, polishing, and dental exam to maintain great oral health.

Call our team to schedule your next cleaning today!

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