How Dental Implants Have Revolutionized Treatment for Tooth Loss

How Dental Implants Have Revolutionized Treatment for Tooth Loss

implant dentistry Grand PrairieImplant dentistry has become fairly standard for restoring tooth loss. The technology for dental implants was discovered by a dentist in Sweden in the 1950’s quite by accident. He had placed a titanium rod in the leg of a rabbit, and when he tried to retrieve the rod he found the rabbit’s bone had fused so thoroughly with the titanium, he could not remove it.

Subsequent testing led to experimenting with a human subject. And working in a smaller area such as the jaw seemed a better idea to the scientists. Coined osseointegration, the fusion of bone and titanium has led us to where we are today … successful dental implants that actually restore dentition to as close to biological teeth as possible.

The patient undergoes preliminary testing to qualify for dental implants, and a review of overall health is completed. A very thorough dental exam includes x-rays to determine bone strength in the jaw where tooth loss has occurred.

Insufficient bone does not automatically disqualify the patient for dental implants. There are procedures that can enhance bone where needed. Tobacco use is detrimental to the success of dental implants and is strongly discouraged. Infection can endanger the implant as well so the patient is encouraged to brush and floss to keep the area clean and healthy.

The procedure gets underway with surgically placing the titanium post in gum tissue where bone loss has occurred. During the healing period, bone fuses to the implant to form a support system for the restoration that will eventually cover the implant. This support works much like the roots of a natural tooth providing the strength and stability needed.

Once healing is completed and x-rays have determined that the post and bone have successfully merged, your dentist will attach an abutment to the implant … the restoration will be permanently cemented to that abutment. The replacement tooth has been made to match surrounding teeth in size, contour, and color. Your implant will blend so naturally no one will be able to tell it is not your natural tooth.

And with your newly restored tooth, you will be able to resume eating all the foods you love. speak without fear of slippage and smile with self-confidence. Implant dentistry has allowed you to appreciate life once again thanks to a procedure that should last a lifetime.

Contact our office today to schedule a consult with our dental team!