How Long Does Dental Bonding Last?

How Long Does Dental Bonding Last?

Dental bonding is a great way to improve the appearance of chipped, worn, or damaged teeth. It can even be used to cover exposed roots. But tooth bonding isn’t a permanent solution. How long bonding lasts depends on several factors. 

How Long Does Dental Bonding Last on Average?Photo by Shiny Diamond:

The average lifespan of bonding is anywhere from three to ten years. While that’s a wide range, the duration primarily depends on how well you care for your teeth after the bonding process is complete. You might need to change a few habits to avoid damaging the bonding material prematurely. The good news is as long as you continue taking good care of your teeth, bonding can be replaced. 

What Should I Avoid Doing?

While bonding might make your teeth look perfectly normal, it’s not quite as durable as your teeth. This means making a few changes, such as:

  • Don’t use your teeth as a tool to open packages.
  • Avoid biting down on overly hard foods, such as hard candies and apples (cut them up instead.)
  • Stop biting your nails.
  • Avoid grinding your teeth.
  • Limit acidic and sugary foods.
  • Limit foods known to stain (bonding materials stain faster than teeth.)

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a common cause of worn-down teeth. While you might be able to stop the habit during the day, sleep bruxism is more difficult to resolve. If you’re regularly grinding your teeth, talk to your dentist and doctor for solutions, such as medications and mouth guards.

How Can I Make Bonding Last Longer?

Dental bonding will eventually wear off, but you can make it last as long as possible by brushing twice daily and flossing once per day. Then, of course, see your dentist at least twice yearly for regular cleanings and to check your bonding. 

Usually, bonding on your front teeth wears out sooner, especially since it may stain quicker and you bite more with your front teeth. Outside of staining, be mindful of how it feels when you bite down to ensure nothing has come loose. If something doesn’t feel right, call your dentist immediately. 

Another option is to think about getting veneers. These last longer, about seven to 15 years, but they do cost more. However, you’ll want to take the same precautions with veneers to make them last as long as possible.

Want to learn more about dental bonding and whether it’s the right choice for you? Contact The Dental Place today to make an appointment.