I’m postponing dental treatment because it’s not bothering me

Many patients put off going to the dentist until they experience pain, but that’s not a good practice if you want to maintain your oral health. If a dental problem has progressed to the stage that it’s causing discomfort, the treatment is likely to be more invasive and expensive.

Serious dental issues, like abscesses and gum disease, often are preventable. Routine semi-annual visits to the dentist can reduce your chances of developing such conditions.

A professional dental cleaning is tremendously valuable to a patient’s well-being. This thorough cleaning helps to clear out oral bacteria found in plaque and tartar. You may think that brushing and flossing according to recommendations is sufficient, but in reality it’s not. The bacteria continue to build up even with the most dedicated oral hygiene regimen and need to be periodically removed by a hygienist. 

If a dental problem has progressed to the stage that it’s causing discomfort, the treatment is likely to be more invasive and expensive.

Regular exams also give your dentist an opportunity to spot a minor concern, like a small cavity, before it becomes extensive, requiring more drastic treatment. In some cases, these exams can be lifesaving. For example, a dentist may be able to detect a suspicious lesion or tumor and identify oral cancer and treat it before it has a chance to spread.

The methods of modern dentistry are far more comfortable than those used decades ago. The techniques and instruments used can improve the patient experience, and those who are still skittish can take advantage of sedation to ease their minds.

Patients who don’t make regular dental appointments should re-consider their reason for doing so. Do you have anxiety about going to the dentist? Bring this issue to your dentist’s attention so that he can take extra care to ensure your comfort.

Are costs a concern? Keep in mind that delaying treatment can ultimately hit your wallet harder than having routine exams every six months.

It’s best to develop an ongoing relationship with a dentist who knows the details of your oral health. One important way to achieve this goal is by going for exams and cleanings every six months.

Contact our experienced team at The Dental Place to discuss which preventive measures might be right for you and your smile.

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