Lost Back Molar: Is a dental implant an option?

Lost Back Molar: Is a dental implant an option?

dental implants Arlington TXA back molar tooth is very important in your ability to chew correctly. If a tooth is missing it can be uncomfortable often resulting in chewing on the opposite side all the time. Dental implants allow the patient to enjoy normal chewing (on both sides); and eating all the favorite foods you love from crunchy to chewy just like you did before tooth loss occurred.

The dental implant process begins with a discussion about your overall health followed by a very thorough dental examination including dental x-rays to help determine bone strength. Lack of sufficient bone in the jaw where the implant is needed may mean additional treatment such as a bone graft.

If bone augmentation is needed, it will be performed before the implant is placed. In some instances, it may be done at the same time as the implant surgery.

The patient will need to make sure they keep the implant area clean and healthy to prevent infection, a primary cause of implant failure. In addition to daily oral maintenance, tobacco use must cease as this is another primary reason for implant failure.

Throughout the healing period, the implant area is protected by a temporary covering. During this time bone is grafting to the titanium implant … this process is referred to as osseointegration. As the bone and implant merge, the implant is becoming a permanent part of the dental anatomy that will provide strength and support for the restoration that will ultimately be cemented to the implant.

When healed, an abutment will be attached to the implant. The restoration will be tried in, and when fit and function are correct, it will be cemented in place.

Your dentist will have the restoration fabricated to match surrounding teeth in size, contour, and shade so your dental work will be undetectable. This means you will be able to smile and laugh with self-confidence; speak without fear of your dental work slipping or moving; and you will be able to eat all the foods you love.

Care for your implant is the same as your natural teeth … brush and floss daily and visit your dentist every six months for cleaning and exam. To learn more about your tooth replacement options, contact The Dental Place at 972-264-5795.