Reinvigorate Your Smile With Quality Restoration

Reinvigorate Your Smile With Quality Restoration

your smile grand prairie txYour smile depends on the strength of your enamel, and when you lose that protection, it can become a serious problem for your lasting oral health. For those with cracked, chipped, or broken teeth, infection can start to set in deep within your tooth. At this point, you need the help of a trained dentist or endodontist to stop the bacterial growth through a root canal treatment process. Those with missing teeth can also struggle with their smile, and finding a positive way to move forward after tooth loss can make a real difference in your experience.

That’s why here at The Dental Place in Grand Prairie, we provide quality restoration for North Texas smiles. We understand the importance of keeping your oral health at a high level, and we also know that sometimes takes a little bit of effort. From dental crowns that blend in with the shade of your natural enamel to a range of dental bridge options, we have you covered when you need restoration.

If you are ready to renew your smile, call our office today!

A Damaged Smile Is At Risk Of Further Deterioration

When you injure or lose one of your natural teeth, your smile becomes in danger of further harm. A cracked or broken tooth is no exception to this rule, and if you have been waiting for it to give you pain before you speak to your provider, you put yourself at risk. Losing the protection of your enamel means that bacteria can make their way inside, and when they do, they can cause major damage.

Eventually, a bacterial infection reaches the nerve within the affected tooth. When this happens, it can cause a seriously painful toothache that will not go away with over-the-counter medications. Before this happens, talk to your dentist about finding a restoration solution through dental crowns. Our office has a range of materials to help match your existing enamel, so experience a safer, stronger, and beautiful smile.

Filling Your Gap With A Sturdy Dental Bridge

Others have completely lost one or more teeth, and we are here for these patients, as well. We know that having an unsightly gap between your teeth can make it tougher to make it through the day. That’s why our team has dental bridge options to help you renew your smile after adult tooth loss. Ask about implant-retained dental bridges, which use the strength of advanced dental implant technology to give you a secure connection that’s designed to last.

Find Your Smile Restoration At The Dental Place!

If you are ready to renew your smile, talk to our team about making a change. To discover the advantages of our durable dental crowns and bridges, call The Dental Place in Grand Prairie, TX today at (972)264-5795.