When is tooth extraction recommended?

When is tooth extraction recommended?

dentist Grand PrairieSometimes teeth must be removed when they become a danger to oral health. When teeth are badly diseased by decay or broken beyond repair, a surgical procedure called a tooth extraction is necessary to prevent oral health complications, restore oral function, and improve a patient’s quality of life. Our dentist may recommend a tooth extraction when wisdom teeth are stuck in the gums or if teeth are failing due to disease or injury. Following is some helpful information about how removing teeth can improve one’s health and level of comfort.

What can be done to prevent a tooth extraction?

In some cases, the need for extraction can be prevented with root canal therapy and by placing restorations. Root canal therapy cleans and seals the inside of an infected tooth, preventing the nerve endings from dying and the infection from forming an abscess. Restorations can help protect against future damage by covering a portion or the entire surface of an affected tooth. While these options are often successful, an extraction cannot always be avoided.

Will I be comfortable during oral surgery?

When extracting a tooth, our team takes great strides to ensure that our guests are comfortable during and after their procedures. During treatment, we will administer anesthetic medication and possibly a sedative to promote a relaxing experience. After the tooth is removed and a patient is ready to go home, we will provide a post-operative information packet that contains everything one needs to know about caring for their mouth after a procedure including tips for minimizing discomfort and which foods are best to consume.

What are my tooth replacement options?

After a tooth is removed, patients will need to evaluate their tooth replacement options. A bridge is a common method for addressing tooth loss. Custom made in dental laboratories, bridges are a series of crowns that bridge the gap between biological teeth and empty tooth sockets. Another option for tooth replacement is a dental implant, which consists of receiving a titanium post in the jawbone to replace a tooth’s root and a permanent dental crown to fill in the gaps of a smile.

Call our friendly team at The Dental Place today to reserve an appointment.