Tooth Loss Can Have Far-Reaching Effects on Your Dental Health

When we lose a tooth, we might well believe that only the appearance of our smile will be affected. However, the truth is, a lost tooth can compromise our dental health in several ways, and can eventually cause further tooth loss. Tooth replacement solutions such as dental implants have thus become popular treatments.

Losing a tooth doesn’t just leave behind an unsightly gap where it once stood within our mouths; no, a lost tooth also diminishes the level of support that is afforded to adjacent teeth, as well as robbing gum tissue and jaw bone mass of necessary stimulus that the tissues require in order to remain healthy and strong. 

This loss isn’t limited to just the area of the lost tooth; the recession of tissue can spread, causing other teeth to become loose as their own foundations become compromised…

Our teeth work together in order to help us bite and chew, and even speak properly. When a tooth is lost, the teeth that remain may begin to shift towards the gap left behind, which can alter our biting pattern and chewing strength, and so might make eating certain foods more difficult. Our teeth are also used in speech, as they help to shape the sounds and pronunciation of words; without teeth, our pronunciation and accent might change.

Perhaps most importantly, however, is the effect a lost tooth has on the health of others. A natural tooth’s roots help to stimulate the gum tissue and jawbone, which provide a strong, natural foundation for our teeth. That stimulus is lost when a tooth is no longer present, and as a consequence the health and growth of gum tissue and jawbone can begin to decline.

Eventually, gum tissue will begin to recede, and jawbone mass will begin to lessen, leading to changes in appearance, such as sunken cheeks. A loss of jawbone mass also makes a dentist’s job of successfully placing dental implants more difficult and heightens the chances of treatment failure.

This loss isn’t limited to just the area of the lost tooth; the recession of tissue can spread, causing other teeth to become loose as their own foundations become compromised, and can eventually be lost themselves.

By using a small titanium rod that bonds to the patient’s jawbone, a dentist can utilize dental implants to help restore a smile back to its former appearance and also help to maintain good dental health by providing the stimulus that gum and jawbone tissues need to grow and remain healthy. They can also provide the strength required by surrounding teeth to help maintain biting and chewing, and have become a common tooth restoration treatment as a result of the benefits they bring.

To learn more about your tooth replacement options, contact our skilled and dedicated team to schedule your professional consultation.

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