Tooth pain? Don’t wait!

Your tooth hurts, but you don’t know why. The reasons are numerous … there might be something caught between teeth irritating gum tissue; you may have developed decay; or maybe you have cracked your tooth and even cold air sends a zinging sensation that is extremely painful. There may be an easy solution, but if you wait too long and the pain continues, you may require a root canal to save your tooth!

If the discomfort is minor, try flossing and rinsing the area. If pain persists contact your dentist for an appointment as soon as possible. Although a cavity does not form overnight, if it has been a while since your last regular dental appointment, you might be dealing with active decay. If your tooth had been previously treated for a cavity, the filling might have cracked or the cavity has grown larger.

In some cases, patients can break a tooth or develop a hairline crack by biting into something hard. Or if the patient suffers from bruxism (grinding teeth), an opening might have occurred in dentition exposing the nerve. In any case, immediate treatment can be done to relieve pain. Any time there is damage to the nerve of the tooth the solution required is a root canal.

A root canal (endodontic therapy) is a simple procedure where the tooth is segregated by a rubber dam to keep the area dry during the procedure. An access point is drilled into the tooth and a series of endodontic files are employed to remove the contents (nerve, blood, and pulp tissue) of each root of the tooth. An x-ray will have been taken to identify the number of roots involved as it is imperative that each root be treated for a successful root canal.

At the conclusion of the root canal, the access point must be sealed. If infection was present, an antibiotic might have been placed into the canals; or an oral medication may be prescribed. Your dentist might delay sealing the tooth until it has been determined that the infection has been eliminated.

A dental crown is often used to seal the tooth. Root canal therapy has been employed to save your tooth … the only other solution in these cases is tooth extraction. Saving your tooth is always a better remedy than costly and time consuming tooth replacement treatments!

Don’t wait to contact us until the discomfort is too unbearable. Call our team today!

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