26 Mar Smile Confidently With Dental Veneers
There’s nothing like the feeling of self-consciousness that can rob you of your smile. Feeling insecure or uncomfortable with your smile can have a strong influence on your attitude, your mood, and your interactions with those around you. Since so much of our communication is non-verbal, others must rely on our facial expressions and smiles to gather more information about us. Think about how this level of communication is reduced when we conceal our smiles and laughter.
Front teeth that are chipped, fractured, discolored, or showing signs of wear and tear can all be improved with the use of veneers.
At The Dental Place in Grand Prairie, TX, we are armed with the techniques and tools that can rebuild your confidence and restore your smile. Dental veneers are frequently recommended for patients who are unsatisfied with the appearance of the front teeth. Because veneers are customized for each patient, and because they are so natural-looking, veneers are often the cosmetic dental service solution for any number of cosmetic concerns.
Front teeth that are chipped, fractured, discolored, or showing signs of wear and tear can all be improved with the use of veneers. Even teeth that appear to be crooked or crowded can be corrected with this type of permanent restoration. To improve the proportions of the front teeth, veneers may be recommended by Dr. Robert D. Maxey or Dr. Cecil F. George, Jr. to lengthen teeth that are too short, or widen teeth that are too narrow. In fact, virtually any esthetic detail can be addressed with porcelain veneers.
The process for achieving your brand new smile is relatively simple. Our cosmetic dentists in Grand Prairie will need to make conservative modifications to your natural tooth structure, reshaping the tooth to accommodate the veneer. A dental impression will be taken to capture the size and shape of the tooth. An ultra-thin porcelain veneer will be constructed according to your dentist’s specifications. Once the veneer has been customized to the appropriate shade and shape, it will be bonded to the front surface of your tooth.
Veneers are designed to last for many years with minimal maintenance, and are durable enough to tolerate normal eating and biting forces.
For many patients, there is a renewed spirit of confidence that comes with a strong and beautiful new smile. Contact one of our dentists serving Arlington TX today, to learn more about beautifying and strengthening your smile with veneers.